lose weight

Can Religion Help You Lose Weight?
Can Religion Help You Lose Weight?
Can Religion Help You Lose Weight?
If Weight Watchers isn’t working for you, there’s an alternative, especially if you have strong faith. Pastor Steve Reynolds has developed a weight loss system called Bod4God, a diet and fitness program designed around the Christian faith. What would Jesus do? He’d put down that doughnut, stat!
Man Moves Into Mall of America in Attempt to Lose Weight [VIDEO]
Man Moves Into Mall of America in Attempt to Lose Weight [VIDEO]
Man Moves Into Mall of America in Attempt to Lose Weight [VIDEO]
Sometimes the best way to commit to a workout regiment is to tell a bunch of people about it, and then let the fear of being labeled the-guy-who-talks-a-big-game-about-getting-in-shape-but-never-follows-through take over. That's what St. Paul, Minnesota resident Scott Jorgenson is doing, times a few thousand.