
Skin Cancer Risk in Texas is Scary-High
Skin Cancer Risk in Texas is Scary-High
Skin Cancer Risk in Texas is Scary-High
This weekend is going to be a scorcher and it's going to feel like the sun is burning a hole right through us, and maybe it is. You won't believe how high Texas ranks when it comes to skin cancer risk.
HEALTHOWEEN Children’s Health & Safety Fair!!
HEALTHOWEEN Children’s Health & Safety Fair!!
HEALTHOWEEN Children’s Health & Safety Fair!!
The kids are ready for some fun!  So parents load up the kiddos and head over to Golden Crescent Regional Advisory Council's Healthoween Children's Health & Safety Fair!!  This fun free family event will be Saturday, October 13th at the Victoria College Emerging Technology Complex from 10am to 2pm.  ...
It’s a Victoria Summer Showcase!
It’s a Victoria Summer Showcase!
It’s a Victoria Summer Showcase!
KIXS 108 and the Victoria Mall are gearing up for the first annual Victoria Summer Showcase!  This will be a celebration you will want your business to be a part of on July 19th showcasing local food, entertainment, recreation, health, retail, and more...
What Texas Cities are the Fattest?
What Texas Cities are the Fattest?
What Texas Cities are the Fattest?
In this world of fast food and instant gratification, it's easy to blow your diet and put on a few extra pounds. Take it from me, I never met a midnight snack I didn't like. How fat are Texans in general? According to the financial website WalletHub, not that bad compared to the rest of the country...
Three of America’s Fattest Cities Are in Texas
Three of America’s Fattest Cities Are in Texas
Three of America’s Fattest Cities Are in Texas
They say everything's bigger in Texas, and according to the financial website WalletHub, that includes 3 of the fattest cities in America. The report says that 70% of Americans are overweight, and when the metrics are compared to reveal the Top 20 Fattest Cities, McAllen, San Antonio and Houston were ranked 4th, 14th and 17th...
Free flu shots at Victoria ER!!!
Free flu shots at Victoria ER!!!
Free flu shots at Victoria ER!!!
The KIXS 108 roadshow will be at Victoria ER, 6703 N. Navarro Monday, October 3rd from 9 to 11.  Stop in and visit us, take a tour of the facility, prizes, Chick-Fil-A (while they last), and of course free flu shots!!  Victoria ER wants you and your families to stay healthy this season, and they are giving back to the community with free flu shots (while supplies last)...

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