Tyler Farr did it in Frankfort. Luke Bryan in Tampa. Chris Young in Glens Falls and Tim McGraw in California. Now it's Chris Cagle who's putting his foot down when it comes to fighting at his show. He was saluting the soldiers at Ft. Drum's Mountainfest when he stopped his show to break up a fight.
Singer Chris Cagle was arrested over the weekend on suspicion of driving while intoxicated in Greenville, Texas. He reportedly ran a red light at about 2AM Sunday (Dec. 15) on U.S. 69, prompting a Department of Public Safety officer to pull him over.
'Dance Baby Dance' is one of the finest songs of Chris Cagle's career -- perhaps his best ballad. A few fathers (and maybe a couple of mothers) will be wiping away tears before the end of the first verse. He hits that sweet spot between familiar and hokey.