Every Wednesday I am out and about delivering fresh hot breakfast courtesy of Chick-Fil-A. You can register at KIXS.COM. Everybody loves free food brought to them. If you register I could be surprising you around 9 on Wednesday morning with breakfast for you and your work crew inside the city limits of Victoria...
It's another Breakfast club winner, this week congrats to Kaylan Kovar. She works at the Community Center and if you need to book, she is the girl you talk to. I bring breakfast to you every Tuesday and it's FREE! Why wouldn't you register at KIXS...
The 'Wake Up Port Lavaca!' community breakfast will be at 7:30am Tuesday at the Bauer Community Center, 2300 state Highway 35 in Port Lavaca. It's presented by the Port Lavaca Chamber of Commerce. Bob Turner, Port Lavaca City Manager, will be the featured. Turner will provide a "State of the City" update.
Friday is around the corner so of course it is get your breakfast club entries submitted now! Winner announced Friday 740 on the morning show. This has become one of our favorite giveaway! Why wouldn't it be? It's free food on a Friday morning delivered to your work place by me(within in the city of Victoria)...
Congrats to Heather Wise, she was this morning Breakfast Club winner courtesy of our friends at Chick Fil A. She works for Ganem & Kelly Surveying and won breakfast for her and 11 of her co-workers. All this while my son photo bombs in the background! ...
Congratulations to Michelle Ortmann, she was this weeks breakfast winner. She works in Mission Valley so she made the trip to the studio to pick up her delicious food from Chick Fil-A. She is pictured with her adorable grandson. How did she win, she simply filled out the form here...
Last chance to register to win Breakfast from our friends from Chick-Fil-A . As always I will deliver a hot delicious breakfast to you and your work crew, within the city limits. Free food on a Friday morning brought to you. Why wouldn't you sign up to win, register here...
This morning breakfast winner Kathryn Carroll, she works for Dr. Nynantt in the Citizens Building. She won delicious breakfast biscuits along side some fresh sweet tea courtesy of our friends at Chick Fil-a. Free food on on a Friday, why wouldn't you want to win...
Another breakfast club winner, this morning I delivered delicious Chick-Fil-A to our friends over at Northside on Main st. Denise Hartman registered for her business and she won. You could be next weeks winner it's real easy all you have to do is go here, and sign up...