Cuteness Overload: Zoo in Texas Welcomes Baby Elephant Cuteness Overload: Zoo in Texas Welcomes Baby Elephant A male baby Asian elephant has been born at the Ft. Worth Zoo. Even if you've got tough skin, Brazos, who was born perfectly healthy will make your heart melt. IngraIngra
Baby Elephant Chasing Birds Is the Delight We All NeedBaby Elephant Chasing Birds Is the Delight We All NeedWhile the world continues to be shocked and disgusted by the death of Cecil the lion, there are some other pleasant animal stories going on.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Baby Elephant Taking a Bath Is Just So PerfectBaby Elephant Taking a Bath Is Just So PerfectYou know you want to see this.Staff WriterStaff Writer
14 Lions. 1 Baby Elephant. Guess Who Wins This Battle.14 Lions. 1 Baby Elephant. Guess Who Wins This Battle.What's that they say about survival of the fittest?Staff WriterStaff Writer
Awww! Baby Elephant Falls, Adults Rush to Her SideAwww! Baby Elephant Falls, Adults Rush to Her SideLike any youngster, slips and falls are bound to happen in the animal kingdom. And, just like their human counterparts, adults are there to help.Staff WriterStaff Writer