Swimming Tarantulas in Texas
Just in case you thought 2020 wasn't wild enough, the great State of Texas presents, 'swimming tarantulas!' The video was actually posted by 10 Tampa Bay, a couple of years ago, but has started to make the rounds again and just seems to fit perfectly in the year 2020!
This video has a whole bunch of NOPE written all over it.
What happens if you get bitten by a tarantula?
If you get bitten by a tarantula it's probably going to hurt a little bit and might make those allergic to the venom slightly uncomfortable, but that's about it. Tarantula venom IS NOT considered dangerous.
Most people classify spiders as insects, and that is incorrect! Spiders are arachnids. They differ from insects in having only two parts to the body, eight legs not six, six or eight eyes (two in insects), and spinnerets on their abdomens that produce silk.
In an article by the Bug Master, we find out what the most common spiders in Texas are:
American Grass Spiders (Agelenopsis)
The American grass spider is a mostly white cephalothorax with distinctive yellow and black markings on the abdomen and is not considered venomous.
Yellow Garden ORB Weaver Spider
The American grass spider is a mostly white cephalothorax with distinctive yellow and black markings on the abdomen and is not considered venomous.
those with compromised immune systems, such as the very young or elderly, should exercise caution.
Black Widow Spider
Female Black Widow spiders are typically dark brown or a shiny black in color when fully grown, and usually exhibit a red or orange hourglass on the ventral surface (underside) of the abdomen. Female widow spiders have unusually large venom glands and their bite can be particularly harmful to humans. Only the bites of females are dangerous to humans. However, despite their notoriety, bites from a black widow spider are rarely fatal or produce serious complications.
The Brown Recluse Spider
A Brown Recluse is typically light to medium brown but can range in color from whiteish to dark brown or blackish gray. Although their bite is initially not felt and may not be immediately painful, it can still be serious.