Shania Twain’s ‘Poor Me’ Is the Heartbreaker Fans Are Expecting [Listen]
Shania Twain has released "Poor Me," a devastating new heartbreak song from her upcoming Now album. It's hard to believe the song is anything but biographical.
"Poor Me" finds Twain in shock after a lover leaves her for another woman. She's looking back at her lowest point, when shock, depression, heartbreak and self-pity are at the core of every one of her thoughts.
"Poor me this and poor me that / It’s not white, it’s not black / Gray’s the color that I see / Still can’t believe he’d leave me / To love her," she sings in the chorus of "Poor Me."
Listen to Shania Twain, "Poor Me"
Several songs on Twain's upcoming Now album were inspired by ex-husband Mutt Lange leaving her for a close friend. A highly-publicized divorce would follow before Twain would eventually fall in love with and marry that woman's ex-husband. Her first single from Now, "Life's About to Get Good" finds her near the end of her depression. It's a cloud's silver lining, especially compared to "Poor Me." This new song finds her at the front end of a nasty storm.
"He never told me how long / I’d been living in the dark / No one turned the light on / I fell and broke my heart," Twain sings during an early verse before a bridge that goes:
"I know it should get better / Oh, but it never does / I wish he’d never met her / Then everything would be the way it was."
Twain's new Now album is slated for a Sept. 29 release. It's her first studio album since Up! in 2002.
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