No More Horse-Drawn Carriages in Downtown San Antonio?
When I think about Texas, at least in my mind, I think of cowboys and the magnificent animals that are part of their lives: horses.
Life without horses in Texas is not just foreign; it's unimaginable. They are not just ingrained in the soul of this great state; they are a part of our identity. So, I was shocked to read on MySanAntonio.com that San Antonio officials are considering phasing out horse-drawn carriages in the downtown tourist areas.
Two city council members are requesting a study to determine a feasible plan to end the tourist attraction that's been a part of San Antonio's life since 1865.
The two council members believe it is an inhumane and "cruel means of travel." I don't think these members have spent time around horses.
Horses spend hours standing daily in a pasture and continuously eat. If they are walking, pulling a wagon with a couple of people in it, it's not extreme, and the owners of these carriages certainly have to take care of them to continue making a living. Let's consider the logic: if haltering a horse is inhumane, the same could be said for putting a collar and leash on dogs.
The council members said they want battery-powered carriages and pedicabs to replace horse-drawn carriages. The City of San Antonio has permitted the horse-drawn carriage industry since 1865. Five horse-drawn carriage companies operate in the city, with 25 carriages around downtown.
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