Never Dump Pets Into Texas Waterways
As the weather in south Texas starts to warm up in time for spring, we start to see more and more folks grab their rod and reel and head out to their favorite fishing hole. Nothing will get your attention faster than reeling in someone's discarded goldfish that has grown ten times its original size!
It's a good time of year to pass along these reminders from Texas Parks and Wildlife - "Never dump your pets into Texas waterways". The giant goldfish (exotic mirror koi fish) above was caught in the marine Creek Reservoir up in Fort Worth back in April of 2018. Can you imagine how big it would be now if nobody had removed it from the reservoir? It may have swallowed a pontoon!
TPWD reminds us that while not every non-native fish becomes a problem, they can add parasites and bacteria that could harm our native fish. Plus, giant oversized carp might startle someone. Ever drop your phone in the creek when out fishing? Giant overgrown pet goldfish living in a creek will do that to ya.