Delighted Texans Are Playing Chicken Sh** Bingo For Fun Money

Delighted Texans Are Playing Chicken Sh** Bingo in Austin TX, and We Are Here For It!
Texans won't be surprised to hear that the hottest ( read warmest) Bingo game in the state has been played in Austin Texas for the last two decades at Little Longhorn Saloon. And before you ask, yes, the game is played with real live chickens.
How is this the first time I have heard about this Chicken Sh** Bingo Game?
Austin Texas whose slogan is " Keep It Weird" might be the weirdest city in Texas but on the other hand, this place never lacks in the fun department and Chicken Sh** Bingo might be the weirdest and most fun game I've ever heard of. We are so there!
Little Longhorn Saloon in Austin is the place to be on Sundays!
Little Longhorn Saloon is located at 5434 Burnet Road in Austin and Chicken Sh** Bingo is offered every Sunday evening from 4 to 8 pm. But check this out, you don't have to be there to play! They take their chickens on the road and bring the bingo to you too! Check their mobile Chicken Sh** Bingo options here.
So how do you play Chicken Sh** Bingo?
According to Little Longhorn's hilarious website, "Tickets to play are a $2 donation for 1 ticket and the bar hosts 4 to 8 rounds of the game. Children 13 and younger go first in the game and adults 91 and above go second with proof of ID.
You're just going to have to watch this video from Culture Trip on YouTube to help explain how it all works. It's hilarious!!! HAHAHAHAHA
Whose up for a game of Chicken Sh** Bingo?
Let's gooooo!
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