It's a cliche to say that a smile can brighten anybody's day -- but it's hard not to agree when the smile is from a super-adorable almost-2-year-old.

As Joey Feek's terminal cancer continues to make her weaker, her husband, Rory Feek, says that "the decline of her condition [has been] weighing heavy on her." However, there is one person who always seems to be able to cheer the Joey + Rory singer up: their daughter, Indiana.

In a new blog post, Rory Feek shares some sweet photos of Indy, as her parents call her, doing just that: Sitting on Joey Feek's bed in a red-and-white cheerleader outfit emblazoned, fittingly, with the word "Indiana" -- the product of a recent shopping trip, Rory Feek explains -- the toddler is laughing and smiling.

"I don’t know where Indy gets her personality from. Joey says it’s from me. I’m not sure I believe her. But no matter … one thing is for sure, our little one has one of the most expressive little faces I’ve ever seen," Feek writes, adding that the photos were taken on one of those days when his wife needed some cheering up. Little Indy was up for the job, and "in a matter of minutes, Indy had her mama laughing out loud …" Even through the photos, her happiness is contagious.

"... I think our baby is continuing to cheer her mama on in her fight -- the best way she knows how …," Feek continues. "By making her smile."

Indiana Feek was born on Feb. 17, 2014; that March, her parents revealed that she was born with Down Syndrome, a chromosomal disorder.

"We trusted that God would give us the baby He wanted us to have … and He has. Out of all the parents in the world, He has chosen us to care for and raise this special gift," the Feeks said at the time. "... We can’t wait to see where this new chapter in our lives leads us and what wonderful story unfolds in the coming years."

In late October, Rory Feek informed fans, via his blog, that his wife’s first round of chemotherapy and radiation treatments for Stage IV cervical cancer did not help; rather, two quarter-sized tumors had appeared in the same area that the doctors had been treating, and several more tumors had appeared in her abdomen. In light of that sad news, the Feeks stopped all medical treatments, returned to their Tennessee farm and canceled all of their Farmhouse Concerts that were scheduled for November and December. They have been spending time in Joey Feek’s hometown, visiting with family, friends and other loved ones, and in early November, Rory Feek revealed that his wife had entered home hospice care.

“Her pain and discomfort has continued to increase daily and so has the morphine to help her be comfortable. The dosage she’s needed to keep the pain away has quadrupled in the last four days. I’d like to tell you that she’s doing great and is going to beat this thing. But I can’t,” Feek wrote in early January, adding that Joey Feek “has been having serious talks with Jesus,” telling him “that if He’s ready to take her … she’s ready to come home.”

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