Miranda Lambert is an avid horse lover and a big animal person, but some behavior is just plain ridiculous.

The singer shared a recap of the last couple of months on her social media, including family holiday festivities, a billboard celebrating her birthday and a Texas Longhorns football game.

But it wasn't all fun and games on the singer's farm. Specifically, there's one horse in her "farmily" who hasn't been playing nice recently.

Lambert documented one morning at the farm when she came out for a ride and discovered that her horse, Sophie, wasn't about to make it easy.

"This is how far she goes. All the way to the other side of the pasture," Lambert explains from behind the camera, zooming in a far-away Sophie munching on some grass.

"So I'll be walking this giant hill. Thanks, Sophie. Thanks a lot."

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Even once she caught up to her, Sophie still wasn't about to make Lambert's ride easy.

"You're being very bad," Lambert says in video on the next slide. This time, she's right next to Sophie, who's sporting a bridle and lead as well as a braided mane tied with pink bands.

"Let's go. Seriously," the singer continues, proclaiming her horse's behavior "rotten."

This kind of behavior is especially egregious since Lambert's horses are prize-winning. The singer frequently enjoys showing her animals at state fairs when she's off the road, and two of them took home No. 1 blue ribbons at the Oklahoma State Fair this September.

It's not clear whether or not Sophie is one of the horses Lambert has shown, though she does seem to be a similar breed to the Gypsy Vanner horses the singer typically brings to state fairs.

One thing's for sure, though: Sophie's behavior at home is certainly not blue ribbon material.

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