This Texas Town Is One Of The Hardest To Pronounce In America
We all know Texas is big and we all know that there are many different towns and cities across the state of Texas that are difficult to pronounce correctly. For many, one of the signs that you grew up in Texas is if you can say all the towns and yes, counties the right way. Being in the media, you absolutely hear it from people when someone mis-pronounces the name of a city in Texas.
Reader's Digest recently took a look at all 50 states to find the hardest and most difficult town names to pronounce and there are some very tough ones out there.
For example. In Alaska there is the city of Nunathloogagamiutbingoi Dunes. Yeah good luck with that one. In Rhode Island there is the town of Quonochontaug. Again, good luck.

Texas' Most Difficult To Pronounce Town
So which Texas town did Reader's Digest pick as the hardest to pronounce? For life long Texans, they will probably agree with the pick. Nacogdoches, Texas was named the the hardest town in Texas to pronounce. Even though, let's be honest Nacogdoches is easy to pronounce compared to Nunathloogagamiutbingoi in Alaska.
There are several Texas towns, cities, and even counties that are mispronounced. It's just another thing that makes Texas a very interesting place to live.
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