A new study by divorce.com identified key highlights regarding Texas' divorce statistics among the past few years. For example, as of 2021, Texas' rate was about 1.4 divorces per 1,000 people.

So, without further ado, let's get right into it.

Texas counties with most divorces

The top five counties in Texas with the highest divorced population are as follows:

  • Tarrant County - 11.1%
  • Bell County - 11.2%
  • Galveston County - 11.5%
  • Nueces County - 12%
  • Johnson County - 12.1%

10.1% of men in Johnson County are among the divorced population. For women? 13.7%

The Texas county with the lowest percentage of divorced couples is Fort Bend county at 7.1%.

Who files more?

In Texas, over half of all divorces (69%) are initiated by women for a variety of reasons.

The majority of all divorces within Texas are between the ages of 54 and 65, and some experts believe the reason for the high rate of divorce among women is partly due to the fact that women live longer than men, on average.

Common reasons for divorce in Texas

Divorce.com provides 19 of the most common reasons for divorce, but we'll take a look at the top five:

  • #5 - Problems with communication
  • #4 - Lack of intimacy, both emotional and physical
  • #3 - Infidelity
  • #2 - Lack of commitment
  • #1 - Constant arguing and conflict

Divorced with families and children

In Texas, nearly half of all divorces involve children under 18 years of age. In 2021, almost 43% of mothers were granted custody of the kids, with about 19% going to the father's care.

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