In Texas, Is It Legal To Sleep In Your Car?
Whether you are driving a long distance across the state on a road trip, or maybe it's just a late night and you are a little tired, pulling over to get some rest is something many motorist do in order to recharge and not drive while tired.
But is it actually legal in Texas to sleep in your car?
Whether you are taking a short nap or trying to really get in a good sleep for hours in order to be ready to go the next day, sleeping in your car can lead to questions, but the good news is, it's completely legal to sleep in your care as long as you are adhering to some rules.
First, don't sleep on private property or even in a parking lot that says you can't park there overnight. Texas law does allow you to sleep at rest stops in the state for about 24 hours, but also know that some have warned that rest stops have been scenes of criminal activity. Also, don't have any alcohol with you. Yes, you can get in trouble with local police if they notice you have been drinking or if you are intoxicated.

That means you can absolutely get cited for a DWI, so if you think you can just pull over somewhere and "sleep it off", don't count on it.
It's also important to be safe if you are going to sleep in your car. Turn off the ignition and some say its best to sleep in the back seat. Maybe that way it doesn't look like you passed out. Also, have your cell phone charged in case you need to make any calls or if someone is attempting to call you.
Drowsy driving can be deadly. So if you feel like you need to pull over and get some sleep. Do it.
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