Those of us who live in Texas will tell you it's hands down the greatest state in the union. In fact, so great that we STILL talk about seceding and becoming our own country once again. That's a discussion for another day.

There's one little problem with telling everyone we are the greatest state. It would appear that we aren't, at least to a study that was recently done on quality of life in 2024. Texas isn't anywhere near the top, or maybe we are depending on how you view this one.

Now, to put this list from CNBC in context, we have to look at the things they factored into it. They scored each state on things such as multiple livability factors including crime rates, health care, air quality and child care. Other items they looked at included legal safeguards against discrimination as well as worker protections. Another thing they looked at was personal freedom which includes reproductive rights.

When you read that last one, it's probably the one that sticks out the most considering one of the hottest topics in Texas is wrapped around the abortion laws that were passed not too long ago, and the fight that continues with them.

So, enough about the things they looked at. Let's just jump right into where Texas landed.


How about the WORST state to live in. Yeah, there are 49 other states that based on these factors are more livable than Texas. Even California didn't land inside the bottom 10, and I know how much us Texans love to give that state and its residents a hard time.

What's wild is that people are moving to Texas in droves. According to the Census Bureau, 220,000 educated workers moved here in 2022. I mean, if that many people are sliding into the state, it can't be THAT bad, right?


One of the main reasons we ended up in 50th was due to our healthcare. We rank near the bottom when it comes to primary care providers per 100,000 people, and we apparently lead the nation in people that are without health insurance.

Another factor when it comes to health care is the amount of people that have medical debt. According to the numbers, 19% of the Texas population that carry a credit score have medical debt that has gone into collections. That's wild.


When it comes to the scoring of the state, yes, they played a huge part in our livability score. We have the strictest abortion laws in the country, and that is something that isn't viewed as a positive when it comes to livability. Part of livability is have the ability to make as many choices as you want, without something restricted those choices.

According to CNBC, another thing that played into it is that Texas is a state with "no public accommodation law barring discrimination against non-disabled people". Texas has passed a lot of laws that have targeted the LBGTQ+ community, and that's something they looked at with our score.


According to the survey, we have a whole ONE strength. That strength happens to be our air quality. I mean it's great that our air quality is a strength, because I'm sure it wasn't one in California. Air quality being good helps us stay healthier longer, and maybe that's why people in Texas seem to live into the late 80s and 90s more than other states.


Looks like we've got a lot of work to do if we want to to move up this list. We scored a 75 out of 325 total possible points handing us an F obviously. Indiana ranked as the second worst state scoring 78 points, so at least we've got someone in the neighborhood to try and chase. You can see the full survey by clicking here.

Top 15 Under the Radar Cities in Texas

Texas is booming, and as more people move here, they'll be looking at areas like Austin or Houston to settle down. There are plenty of others places they ought to consider, though.

Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau, along with data about home sales and public school ratings, Orchard recently ranked and graded the Top 15 Under the Radar Cities in Texas.

These are unexpectedly good places to make a life for yourself and your family in the Lone Star State. Did your hometown make the list?

Gallery Credit: Big Ced, Townsquare Media

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