In my spare time, I tend to do a lot of selling and trading of sports cards. It means I make several trips per week to the Amarillo post offices. I never used to have a problem with items arriving to people on time, but lately it seems like it's been quite a mess.

The last six months have been a bit of a struggle, in various different ways as well. If I don't actually walk my package up to the counter to have it scanned in while I'm watching them do it, it's liable to go several days without catching a scan.

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Now normally this wouldn't be a HUGE deal, except for a couple of reasons. One, the person on the other end is anticipating that package to arrive in a timely manner. If it doesn't arrive within 4-5 days, they get antsy. I can fully understand that. Nothing is worse than waiting for a package with a big amount of anticipation and excitement.

Here's the problem I deal with the most. A package gets dropped in one of the bins at the post office, whether during open hours or if they're closed. I'm not the biggest fan of standing in line for 20 minutes just to have one of the workers scan my package in for me and give me a receipt. I like convenience.

When it doesn't get scanned for several days, people start reaching out thinking I haven't shipped anything, then they feel like they're being ripped off, and I have to thwart 100 questions and accusations, even though I truthfully dropped off their package days ago.

Apparently this isn't just a problem in Amarillo, it's happening all over Texas. A user on Reddit mentioned they live in Fort Worth and it took them two weeks just to receive a basic greeting card from someone, and the person that sent it only lived a couple of towns away.

They also mentioned they've sent out various things and it's taken six weeks for it to arrive. So what is happening with the mail system? Not enough workers? Lack of caring? Or is the postal service about to just fall flat on its face?

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