Here are The Latest Census Numbers for the Crossroads
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Victoria County is still showing strong number for Census 2020 responses. Please don't ignore the Census and respond A.S.A.P. As of Thursday, April 23rd.
Texas currently ranks 39th in the US for Census responses. The response rate in Texas sits at 47.8 percent, let's how the Crossroads numbers stack up against the state average.
Victoria County 47.7 %, Lavaca County 43.6%, Calhoun County 26.4%, Goliad County 35.3%, Gonzales County 33.6%
You still have time to respond the Census 2020. Respond by phone, online, or by mail. The deadline for online and phone responses is October 31st. To complete the Census, residents can simply go to my2020census.gov to respond online.
You can call 844-330-2020 via phone.
COVID 19 UPDATE: The Census Bureau has suspended 2020 field data collection activities. The Census Bureau is preparing to return to the field, hopefully by Summertime.
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