Come Show Your Support for Celeste
In 2011, at the age of 31, Celeste Cherie Moreno was diagnosed with congestive heart and kidney failure (all brought on by diabetes) and was immediately placed on dialysis. She has been in and out of the hospital countless times with infections and has suffered two heart attacks within the last 2 years.
To help prolong her life it was determined she would need a new kidney. After several failed matches finding a donor proved harder than it seemed. BUT with much prayer, God opened a door as a dear friend stepped up and was a perfect match!!! With her strong faith, loving husband and four sons by her side, she has persevered despite all obstacles thrown her way. She has done this all with a smile on her face, never once complaining or feeling sorry for herself. She has been a true inspiration to many people with her positive attitude and spirit.
Family and friends are putting on a benefit dinner this Saturday for her upcoming transplant from 11a-5pm at the Mustang Bar & Grill. The Mustang is located at 309 E Crestwood. Proceeds will help go towards Celeste's Medical Fund. If you can't make it and you'd still like to contribute, you can do so here securely and easily. Any and all donations go to Celeste directly by clicking here.
With everyone giving a little, it will go a long way. There is power in numbers! Thanks to all who have already contributed. It means so much to everyone close to Celeste! Please keep Celeste in your prayers.