Victoria County Judge Ben Zeller has issued a Disaster Declaration for Victoria County due to human trafficking. Here is why he feels this was necessary.
Congratulations are in order for these VCSD employees on their recent promotions. Plus an excerpt from Sheriff Marrs recent Everything 361 podcast interview.
The Victoria County Sheriff's Office is investigating a likely human trafficking crime as a deceased undocumented citizen was found dead on Coletovile Rd.
Chubbys was robbed last week. The Victoria County Sheriff's Department offers these holiday safety tips. Crimestoppers is still investigating the robbery.
A shooting turned deadly yesterday outside of a convenience store in Nursery on Highway 87 when shots fired into a vehicle killed a young Victorian woman.
Sheriff Justin Marr will be sworn in at 2 at DeLeon Plaza today. Plus an OEM meeting at 3 to discuss VISD plan to return to school and Victoria's COVID numbers.