Brad Paisley and Kimberly Williams-Paisley Attempt to Film Coronavirus PSA, With Hysterical Results
If you haven't heard by now, we're all supposed to be staying home and socially distancing in the time of COVID-19. Just in case, however, you happen to be one of the few who are not taking heed of the self-quarantine measures most of the country are adhering to, Brad Paisley and his wife Kimberly Williams-Paisley are here to set you straight.
The celeb couple were apparently tapped by the state of Tennessee to film a PSA discussing the need to stay apart at this point in time. Brad and Kim gamely take on the challenge, sitting on their couch with the family dog, but things go a little awry while trying to stick to the script.
"The state of Tennessee asked us to do a PSA to encourage people to #stayhome and it went flawlessly. We are highly trained smooth talkin’ professionals," deadpanned Paisley in his social media posts detailing the filming process, which is filled with a bunch of silly bloopers that one might not expect from two people well-accustomed to having a camera on them (Williams-Paisley is, of course, a seasoned actor). However funny the results, the message does come through loud and clear, most hilariously when Kim gives Brad a playful shove towards the end.
The Paisleys are already at the forefront of coronavirus aid, having announced their free grocery store in Nashville is starting to offer delivery service to at-risk seniors who should stay in isolation during this time and need help getting supplies.
The couple broke ground on the store in April of 2019, after a trip with their kids inspired the idea.
See Pictures of Brad Paisley, Kimberly Williams-Paisley's Store Construction:
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