Staff Writer

Woman Taking Selfie Destroys $200,000 Worth of Art
Maybe we need to start patrolling selfies.

The Best News Bloopers of 2017 So Far Are Everything and More
It's been a banner year for bloopers. And we've still got more than five months to go.

Dad’s Sweet ‘First Day of School’ Video for Daughter Will Melt your Icy Heart
This father found a touching way to celebrate his daughter's high school graduation.

Fed-Up Woman Out to Stop Speeders With a Hair Dryer
Here's a very clever way to get drivers to slow down in your neighborhood.

McDonald’s Unveils the Frork — The French Fry Fork That No One Needs
We've become such an obese nation that now we're making our utensils edible.

This Fast-Food Worker Is the Most Relaxed Gunpoint-Robbery Victim Ever
Nerves of steel, or just a typical apathetic teenager? Either way, this Jimmy John's employee is now our favorite fast-food worker for his cool under pressure.

Um, Why Did This Truck Drag This Sedan for Nearly a Mile?
Talk about your crowded roadways.

Anchor Has Great Reaction When Caught Daydreaming
She was definitely not camera-ready.

Strapping Police Officer Hilariously Terrified of Teeny Tiny Mouse
He can fight crime. Rodents? That's a whole other story.

People Absolutely Hate This Video, But Can’t Stop Watching It
The Internet is the ideal place to come together. Even if it's for something that drives people batty.

Teacher Owns April Fool’s Day With This Hilarious Fake Spelling Test
Kids are notorious for hating spelling tests, so this teacher decided to have some fun when giving one.