Don Deane
Gunman Shoots Multiple People Near Empire State Building
Although details are sketchy at the moment, several news outlets are reporting that a gunman has shot multiple people near the Empire State Building in Manhattan this morning.
Woman Sells Her Soul on eBay for $2,000
A down-and-out New Mexico woman has put her “slightly used” soul up for auction on eBay. The starting price is only $2,000, which, if you think about it, is a great price for an immortal soul. Any takers?
Kid Offers Overenthusiastic Words of Encouragement to Heat After Loss
Despite their 94-90 Game 5 loss to the Boston Celtics and dwindling playoff hopes, the Miami Heat had a least one positive fan during Tuesday night’s game in a young boy who repeatedly shouted encouragement as they dejectedly filed off the court.
Photo of Beer-Drinking Bride Katrina Hayman Sparks Controversy
In New Zealand, a photo of a beer-drinking bride has sparked a serious amount of controversy, with detractors arguing that it’s unbecoming. Hey, why can’t a woman in a wedding dress enjoy a brew? We don’t get it.
Georgia Student Aimee Copeland Fighting for Life Against Flesh-Eating Bacteria
Although Aimee Copeland, the Georgia student who contracted flesh-eating disease after a zip line injury, is showing signs of improvement, doctors say she will unfortunately lose her fingers to the terrible illness. This is just the latest setback in her tragic story.
Aimee Copeland, Student Suffering from Flesh-Eating Bacteria, Shows Signs of Improvement
Aimee Copeland, a Georgia student who contracted a deadly flesh-eating disease after sustaining a zip line injury, is on the mend, according to reports. The 24-year-old still remains in critical condition, however, and requires a ventilator to breathe.
Breastfeeding Mom Jamie Lynne Grumet Explains Controversial ‘Time’ Cover
Jamie Lynne Grumet, the 26-year-old mom who posed for the cover of Time magazine breastfeeding her three-year-old son for a story on attachment parenting, appeared on ‘Today’ and discussed the controversial image making waves on the Web.
Which Cars Do Americans Refuse to Buy? [PHOTOS]
Americans may have an enduring love affair with cars dating back more than 100 years, but there are some models we refuse to drive off the lot.
Texas School Has Been Misspelling Its Own Name for Nearly Nine Years
An elementary school in Forth Worth, Texas, is finally correcting its name after having misspelled it for nearly nine years. Oops! That can’t bode well for literacy rates.
Is There Any Truth to the ‘Three Second Rule’? [VIDEO]
Who among us hasn’t eaten something off the floor as long as it sat there for three seconds or less? Well, it turns out there may be some truth to the “three second rule,” but it has more to do with the type of food than how long it lingers on the ground.
Adorable Twins Have an Epic ‘Pacifier War’
Adorable identical twins Lillian and Diana Bajorek wage war over a single pacifier by forcibly removing it from each other’s mouths. Babies are undeniably cute, but as this video shows, sharing just isn’t part of their vocabulary yet.
Do Women Pay More than Men for Credit Cards? — Dollars and Sense
According to a new study by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation, men and women aren’t equal when it comes to credit cards. It says that, on the average, women pay half a point higher on credit card interest rates than men do, even when income and level of education are factored in.