14th Annual Tony Borowicz Memorial Blood Drive This Saturday
Victoria Harley-Davidson-Five Points Chapter Harley Owners Group in conjunction with The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Blood Bank Center invite you to the 14th Annual Tony Borowicz Memorial Blood Drive and Victoria Harley-Davidson’s 9th Anniversary Celebration. Blood donors receive a commemorative t-shirt along with other special surprises! Everyone can enjoy live music, door prizes, store specials, food drink and more. It’s Saturday, May 7th beginning at 9 a.m. The blood drive ends at 3 p.m. and the party goes until 6 p.m. at Victoria Harley-Davidson, 608 North Moody with the Poker Run getting the first bike out at 9a and the last bike in at 12-noon.
Please contact Emily to sign up or for more information at 361-575-7881.
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