With Japanese media reporting that more than half of the country’s recent tsunami and earthquake victims were over 65 years of age, the road to mental and physical recovery for many of Japan’s elderly survivors has been especially tough.

Thanks to Japanese company Daiwa House, elderly survivors at the Suisyoen retirement facility are finding comfort in the companionship of two affectionate, robot seals nicknamed Peace and Love. And they might just be the cutest therapists ever.

With the $155 a month fee waved, the two seals have come to be treated as pets at the home. Pets, albeit, that need to be charged after an hour-and-a-half of use.

“If I hold onto this, it doesn’t matter if there’s a typhoon outside, I still feel safe,” said 85-year-old resident Satsuko Yatsuzaka who enjoys hugging the seals for a half-hour or more.

See Peace and Love at work below:

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